The University of Delaware Writing Center Logo

Are you an undergrad working on a writing project? Select the Undergraduate Writing Tutors schedule.

Are you a graduate student working on a writing project? Select the Graduate Writing Tutors schedule.

Are you working on a presentation or spoken-word project? Select the Oral Comm Consultants schedule.


For in-person appointments, be sure to note your appointment's location (Memorial 016 or Morris 017).

For online appointments, check out our information on appointment types:

Real-time online appointments:

Asynchronous e-tutoring:


SCHEDULING POLICY: Appointments with our undergraduate and graduate writing tutors are 1 hour in length. Appointments with our Oral Communication Consultants are 30 minutes in length. Each student is permitted 1 tutoring appointment per day.

LATE & NO SHOW POLICIES: If you are more than 15 late to a writing tutoring appointment or more than 10 minutes late to an oral communication appointment, you may be marked as a no-show and your appointment slot may be give to someone else. After two no-shows, your account will be locked.  

UD ID required at check-in.